Joost Jacobs

Partner, Lawyer


Phone +31630650786

I like to collaborate with my clients on the best strategy

As a property lawyer, I have extensive experience in the field of landlord and tenant law for business premises, purchasing and selling, and property development. I am particularly well able to envisage the problems faced by businesspeople as I myself also run a business as one of our firm’s partners. I quickly get down to the crux of the problem and the analysis. Where possible, I collaborate with the client in finding a solution that gives the best result. That collaboration is what makes for good advice. However complex the problems and disputes may seem at first, real collaboration with the client always lets me figure out the best strategic steps and the eventual solution. 

I prefer to be brought on board at an early stage in the process: I know from experience that as a team player, I can really add something through my advice or by discussing ideas with the client concerning strategic legal aspects. The same applies to litigation. Thanks to nearly 25 years of experience in conducting legal proceedings, I can take the right, necessary steps and act in anticipation of the constant changes in the proceedings. 

I work enthusiastically for landlords, property investors and owners, asset managers, retail chains and companies in the automotive industry. If you require sound advice or legal assistance in any of the above-mentioned areas, feel free to phone or e-mail me. I will work with you to achieve the best result.  

Bosselaar Strengers Legal Partners
Euclideslaan 111
3584 BR Utrecht

Tel: +31 302 34 72 34
Fax: +31 30 234 72 72