Eline Aantjes-Breel


Phone +31630116182

I prefer to focus on what is possible rather than the potential pitfalls

What gives me energy? Finding an efficient solution that enjoys the support of as many parties as possible. As a Property & Government lawyer, I am always looking for a suitable solution for issues concerning landlord and tenant law, purchase law or environmental and planning law, based on my commitment to my clients and their sector. In my work I’m hard on the content and soft on the person. That lets me fight for my client’s interests while treating the opposing party with respect and maintaining a constructive approach. In my opinion, that is how you achieve the most. 

I always aim for clear communication and I give unambiguous, pragmatic recommendations that my clients can use directly. My analytical skills let me quickly get to the crux of the matter. I prefer to focus on what is still possible rather than the potential pitfalls. But that will not stop me pointing out the pitfalls to you, and I like to give a realistic assessment of the risks. This way, you know where you stand. 

If you are looking for an enthusiastic lawyer who focuses on finding solutions in the field of property and government, then feel free to phone or e-mail me with your questions!

Bosselaar Strengers Legal Partners
Euclideslaan 111
3584 BR Utrecht

Tel: +31 302 34 72 34
Fax: +31 30 234 72 72