Willem van Veggel


Phone +31683840259

When things get tense, that's when I perform best

When you learn the rules of the game of procedural law at university, it all seems deadly boring. But the first time you conduct legal proceedings in court yourself, you realize how cool it actually is. Other people sometimes clam up when it gets tense, whereas I find that’s when I perform best.

I am someone who can analyse situations very quickly and take action quickly too. That’s to my advantage in litigation because I can process information rapidly and prepare my response straight away. You need those same analytical skills to interpret the facts of the case in terms of the law, but you also need creativity as a lawyer when you commit your account to paper. I love the challenge of keeping to the law and at the same time finding a solution for your client.

I have broad interests and often feel an urge to investigate further whenever I delve into a subject. My main area of work at my previous firm was insolvency law, where I discovered what a huge impact bankruptcy has on people. That makes you feel that your contribution really matters. At Bosselaar Strengers, I focus on corporate law. Here too, emotions can run high during conflicts. That fires me up: it keeps me alert and makes me ask myself how I can genuinely help these people.

That’s what drives me: helping people. I feel it has to do with meaningfulness. I’m not unique in this respect; I believe most lawyers are driven not by money but rather by a feeling that they have a mission to help people. Where I do differ from other lawyers is in my background, which is in industrial engineering and management. That helps me to figure out an enterprise and translate the problem into a legal question. Clients appreciate that; they find it easy to talk to you then.

Bosselaar Strengers Legal Partners
Euclideslaan 111
3584 BR Utrecht

Tel: +31 302 34 72 34
Fax: +31 30 234 72 72